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Was man alles beachten muss, wenn man im Cafe arbeitet:
hier klicken:
****************************************************************************** 30) WORKING AT THE CAFE ****************************************************************************** After purchasing seven cups of coffee, either while sitting at the front counter or via takeout at the right counter, [Brewster] Master {Maseuteo} will mention that you can work part-time fulfilling coffee orders. Speak to [Brewster] Master {Maseuteo} at the right counter between 11am and 11pm to do some part-time work!
Coffee requests consist of three orders: which coffee, how much milk, and how much sugar. The possible choices are as follows: 1) Coffee ...a. burendo or Blend ...b. moka or Mocha ...c. kirimanjaro or Kilimanjaro ...d. buru maunten or Blue Mountain 2) Milk ...a. tappuri or Plenty ...b. sokosoko or Ordinary amount ...c. choppiri or Little ...d. irenai or None 3) Sugar ...a. 3 ...b. 2 ...c. 1 ...d. irenai or None
While working, four customers will place requests. Usually, three of your villagers will step up to the counter, followed by one working villager. Eventually, animals who don't live in your town will show up to buy coffee!
In the beginning, customers will usually give you one clue about their orders. They will tell you which coffee they want, how much milk, or how much sugar. You will have to guess about the rest of their orders. Unless, that is, you've served them before. The "trick" is to remember the customer's orders from either past requests or from prior conversations. (If you happen to enter the Cafe and find one of your villagers sitting at the counter, speak to them and they may reveal how they like their coffee.)
Eventually, customers will stop giving clues and ask for "the usual."
Your player will make the Bashful Reaction when you get your customer's request fully correct (all three orders). Enjoy as the customer lavishes you with compliments!
Depending on how well you satisfy the four customers, [Brewster] Master {Maseuteo} will give you one of the following as "payment" (plus the amount you can get if you sell it at R. Parkers): ...[???] futsuu no kohi mame or Ordinary Coffee Beans - 500 (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 orders correct) ...[???] yoi no kohi mame or Good Coffee Beans - 1,000 (5, 6, or 7 orders correct) ...[???] totemo yoi no kohi mame or Very Good Coffee Beans - 2,000 (8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 orders correct)
Also, as you satisfy more and more customers, [Brewster] Master {Maseuteo} will give you these items, available only from him: ...[Coffee Maker] kohi maka (after 16 correct orders) ...[Espresso Machine] esupuresso mashin (after 32 correct orders) ...[Siphon] saifon (after 48 correct orders) ...[???] kohi kappu or Coffee Cup (after 64 correct orders) ...[???] shuga & miruku or Sugar & Milk (after 80 correct orders) ...[???] kohi miru or Coffee Mill (after 96 correct orders) ...[???] kafe no sai fuku or Cafe Uniform (after 128 correct orders) ...[???] noppo masuta haniwa or Tall Brewsteroid (after 160 correct orders) ...[???] nami masuta haniwa or Brewsteroid (after 192 correct orders) ...[???] chibi masuta haniwa or Mini Brewsteroid (after 224 correct orders) ...[???] deka masuta haniwa or Mega Brewsteroid (after 255 correct orders)
Here is the list of working villagers and their orders: [Kapp'n] Kappei - Blue Mountain; Ordinary; None [Gracie] Grace - Blend; None; None [???] Kent - Blue Mountain; None; None [Tortimer] Kotobuki - Kilimanjaro; Ordinary; 2 [Dr. Shrunk] Shisho - Mocha; Little; 2 [Isabelle] Shizue - Mocha; Plenty; 3 [Kicks] Shank - Mocha; None; 1 [Tom Nook] Tanukichi - Kilimanjaro; Plenty; 1 [K.K. Slider] DJ K.K. - Blend; None; None [Phineas] Paronchino - Kilimanjaro; Plenty; 3 [Pete] Pelio - Blend; Ordinary; 2 [Pelly] Peliko - Blend; Little; 1 [Phyllis] Pelimi - Kilimanjaro; None; None [Don] Mr. Racket - Blend; None; 3 [Resetti] Mr. Reset - Blue Mountain; None; None
For resident villagers below, notice that their milk order corresponds to their sugar order. In other words, when a villager asks for "sokosoko" or Ordinary milk (the second response), they will also ask for "2" sugars (the second response). Similarly, when they ask for no milk, they will also want no sugar.